Listen to “The Intersect: The Rent and Housing Crisis (Housing Party ep5)” on Spreaker.
How will Canadians cope with rising unemployment, a housing crunch and paying rent? How should government handle the economic recovery, including proposed bailouts for big corporations? And what is the future of affordable housing in Canada? On the last in a series of Unpacking the News summer episodes exploring how the pandemic interacts with social issues in Canada, David DesBaillets returns with the fifth edition of Housing Party to speak with poverty activist, Tiny Home Alliance Canada Executive Director and Brockville City Councillor Leigh Bursey.
Alberta’s UCP Environment and Parks Minister Jason Nixon is planning on partially closing 20 parks, and handing over management of 164 parks to private companies— and internal disclosures suggest a further sell-off of Alberta’s parks is in the works. Alberta has also rescinded the 1976 Coal Development Policy, raising the possibility of open-pit coal mines in Alberta’s rockies and foothills. Join Team Advantage as they discuss the sell-off of parks, and work to imagine what parks could look like in an era of Land Back and climate change.
On this week’s Tech Won’t Save Us, Paris Marx is joined by Ghent University professor Tom Evens to discuss how the history of the television industry can give us important insights into the state of streaming video services and how regulators might respond to ensure they serve the public good instead of just their private goals.
On this week’s episode, Toronto ecosocialist podcast Oats for Breakfast chat with Rio-based human rights lawyer Rhaysa Ruas about social and political conditions in Brazil including the COVID-19 crisis, the rise and fall of the Workers’ Party and the ongoing destruction of the Amazon forest and the indigenous communities that inhabit it.
On a new episode of Out of Left Field the Victoria socialists are joined by Craig from the Acid Horizon podcast to talk about private prisons, his own experiences working in the industry and what it could look like to defund the police and abolish the prison industrial complex.
On a new episode of Left Behind , host Chris Markevich speaks with President of Hamilton & District Labour Council Anthony Marco and Alberta parent Stacey Speta about what their provinces have planned for students in September. Plus: Part 1 of a new series on the Green Party leadership race featuring an interview with candidate Dimitri Lascaris.
National Post opinion editor Matt Gurney’s recent Twitter argument that dropping atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, while not militarily necessary, was good because it allowed his grandfather to return home safely from carrying out British colonialism in India where he was stationed with the Royal Air Force, was such a valuable addition to the discourse that he was invited onto Evan Solomon’s iHeartRadio show to talk about it. On a new episode of Big Shiny Takes YouTuber Tristan Johnson of Step Back History joins the gang to explain why incinerating tens of thousands of Japanese civilians at the close of the Second World War is actually bad.